Suyanto Suyanto


The development of an increasingly advanced era makes the community order must follow the developments of that era. The world of education is also one that must keep up with the times. If you cannot keep up with the times, the world of education will be left behind from the outside world which has developed so rapidly. One of the developments in the world of education at this time is the emergence of E-learning and Constructivism learning designs that explore the potential, abilities and insights of students in a broad and structured manner through Blended Learning. The method used in this writing is literature study by using several articles as material to create new articles. In this study, the authors write by referring to several articles that have been reviewed. Results The use of learning designs that combine face-to-face learning methods using IT becomes an alternative when many students feel bored with existing learning designs. Face-to-face learning systems that have changed from traditional (lectures) to more modern, namely a constructivist approach. The use of the Blended Learning method which combines Constructivism Learning with E-Learning makes the teaching and learning process run better and optimally


Learning, Constructivism, E-learning, Blended Learning

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