Rakhmat Iskandar, Rina Nuryati


The objectives was to find out the effect of a combination of solid waste of tanning industry and Rhizobium inoculation on soybean yields. The research was conducted in a plastics house. A the randomized block design used in the experiment. The combine of treatment that Rhizobium inoculation (with and without) and doses of solid waste tanning industry results fermented were 2, 4, and 6 tonnes / ha. The data were analyzed using the F-test; followed with Duncant multi range test 5%. The result showed that the effect of combination of solid waste tanning industry and Rhizobium spp gave the difference effect to all parameters observed. Giving inoculation and dosage of solid waste tanning industry result fermented was needed in this experiment, because without inoculation and without a dose of leather waste, given all the variables yield components and harvest, the smallest observed. When compared to add  of the dose leather waste 6 t  ha- and inoculation showed seed weight per plant amounted to 68.84 g or conversion to hectares of 2793.703 kg  ha-. The results of the national average of 2.77 t  ha-, while the yield potential of 3.4 t  ha-

Kata kunci: limbah kulit, fermentasi, inokulasi Rihzobium, fermenter.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37058/jssainstek.v2i1.57


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