Pengaruh Halal Awarness dan Label Halal Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen

Joharul Milah, Fuji Aulia Rahayu, Riska Deswita, Windi Siti Fatimah


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between halal awareness and the presence of halal labels on consumer purchasing decisions in Indonesia. Given the significant Muslim population and the strict regulations regarding halal products, the study aims to determine how these factors influence consumer behavior.

Design/methodology/approach: This research employs a quantitative approach and focuses on the population of Indihiang. Data collection is conducted through questionnaires distributed to the target population. The data analysis is performed using simple linear regression analysis to assess the impact of halal awareness and halal labels on consumer purchasing decisions.

Findings: The analysis reveals that both halal awareness and halal labels have a significant influence on consumer purchasing decisions. The R Square value obtained is 0.688, indicating that 68.8% of the variance in purchasing decisions can be explained by the independent variables (halal awareness and halal labels). The remaining 31.2% is attributed to other factors not covered in this study.

Research Implication: The findings imply that increasing halal awareness and ensuring the presence of halal labels on products can significantly impact consumer purchasing decisions. For policymakers and businesses, this underscores the importance of promoting halal certification and education to enhance consumer confidence and drive purchasing behavior. The study also suggests that other factors influencing purchasing decisions should be explored in future research to provide a more comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior.

Originality/value: This research contributes to the understanding of consumer behavior in the context of halal products in Indonesia. By quantitatively examining the relationship between halal awareness, halal labels, and purchasing decisions, the study provides empirical evidence of the significant role these factors play. The use of simple linear regression analysis offers a clear and straightforward method for analyzing the data, making the findings accessible and applicable for both academic and practical purposes. This study is particularly valuable for businesses and policymakers aiming to improve marketing strategies and regulatory frameworks in the halal food and beverage industry.


Halal Awarness; Halal Label; Purchasing Decisions

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Copyright (c) 2024 AL-MUSAHAMAH: Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance, and Business

Program Studi Ekonomi Syari'ah
Fakultas Agama Islam 
Universitas Siliwangi
Jl. Siliwangi No.24 Kota Tasikmalaya
e-ISSN 3047-8847


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