Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Muamalat Indonesia Dengan Metode ANGELS Periode 2016-2022
Banking activities are increasingly developing in line with people's needs for carrying out economic transactions, and with advances in technology, competition between national banks has become increasingly fierce, as well as with the emergence of foreign banks which demand that national banks compete to improve the quality of performance and service. Banks need to be managed by management to the maximum extent possible so that they always make a profit and avoid all forms of losses that could affect the health of the bank itself. To find out if the bank is not experiencing losses, this is done by assessing the bank's health level. One method for assessing the level of bank health is the ANGELS method. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, seen from the assessment of its financial performance from 2016 to 2022, experienced a decline in financial performance as indicated by the rise and fall of the capital ratio, the decline in the ROA ratio and the increase in the company's operating expense ratio.
The aim of this research is to analyze the health level of Bank Muamalat Indonesia using the ANGELS method. period 2016-2022.
The research methodology used in this research is descriptive qualitative research supported by secondary data sources in the form of annual financial reports, corporate governance reports and sustainability reports for the 2016-2022 period. The data analysis technique used by the author in this research is by using the ANGELS analysis methods.
The results of this research show that Bank Muamalat Indonesia for the 2016-2022 period in assessing the bank's health level using the ANGELS method, the five indicators, namely trust management, non-economic wealth, give out, liquidity and sensitivity to market and socio-economic wealth, are predicted to be very healthy, however for the Earnings indicator, the ROA ratio section is predicted to be very unhealthy with an average value of 0.12%, meaning that Bank Muamalat Indonesia's ability to gain profits on its productive assets is still very small.
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Universitas Siliwangi
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