The increasingly rapid development of technology has led to several changes, for example people now prefer to shop via the Marketplace Application on smartphones rather than shopping offline. The presence of shopping applications such as Shopee has received a good response from the public. This is a strategy for producers to market their products through Short Video Marketing, which is a form of social media marketing which is currently widely used by marketers because it is considered by users to be more interesting and interactive and spreads quickly, especially as it is supported by the short video platform algorithm system which is usually will recommend videos to users according to their interests. With short video marketing, of course consumers who use Shopee will have thoughts about price perceptions in the way that Shopee consumers see prices as high, low and fair. This has a strong influence on purchase interest and satisfaction in purchasing a product. The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between the influence of Short Video Marketing and price perception on purchasing interest with the method used being a quantitative approach using tools in the form of SmartPLS software. The results of this research show that Short Video Marketing has a significant effect on buying interest, while price perception does not have a significant effect on buying interest.
Keywords: Influence, Shopee, Short Video, Price perception, Purchase interest
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