Wawan Karnawan, Rudi Priadi, Purwati Kuswarini


This study aims: To determine the relationship of motivation in maintaining cleanliness of the school environment with leadership in the school's environmental hygiene program, to determine the relationship of the principal's attitude to environmental cleanliness with his leadership in the school's environmental hygiene program, to determine the relationship of motivation to maintain cleanliness and the attitude of the principal towards environmental cleanliness with his leadership in environmental hygiene programs in schools. The research method used in this research is descriptive with correlational statistical analysis. The population in this study were all Principals of the First Public and Private Schools in the MKKS Karangnunggal region of Tasikmalaya Regency as many as 36 people (Principals of Public and Private Middle Schools). As for the sampling technique with total sampling so the number of samples in this study were 36 Head of Public and Private Middle Schools. Data collection instruments to be analyzed, using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is the correlation with a significance level of 0.05. Based on the results of data processing obtained: there is a very strong relationship between motivation to maintain cleanliness with the leadership of the principal in accordance with the terminated coefficient (r) obtained at 0.737 with a regression equation Y = 0.597 + 0.935X1. There is a very strong relationship between attitude towards cleanliness with the leadership of the principal in accordance with the terminated coefficient price (r) obtained at 0.741 with a regression equation Y = 8.932 + 0.885X2. There is a very strong relationship between motivation to maintain cleanliness and attitudes towards environmental hygiene with the leadership of the principal in the environmental hygiene program at school in accordance with the termination coefficient (r) obtained at 0.742 with a regression equation Y = 5.618 + 0.589X1 + 0.617X2.


Motivation, Attitude, Principal Leadership, Cleanliness Environment

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