Endang Haris


: Social studies learning was developed to improve the competence of knowledge, values, and behavior of students to be sensitive to social problems that occur in society. In its implementation, it is necessary to conduct various studies on improving service quality and learning innovation. In this condition, it is important for teachers to develop various cooperative learning models in each process of teaching and learning activities.The cooperative learning model is essentially a learning approach that allows students either individually or in groups to actively seek, explore, and discover concepts and principles holistically and authentically. Through cooperative learning, students can get direct experience to receive, store, and produce impressions about the things they learn. The success of the teacher in every teaching and learning activity certainly does not only depend or is determined on the mastery of professional competence, there are other factors that contribute greatly to the success of student learning, namely how the packaging of the learning experience designed by the teacher gives meaning to the learning experience for students. During the process of teaching and learning activities, the pedagogical competence that a teacher has will have a major influence on motivation and learning activities as well as learning outcomes that will be obtained by students. On the other hand, if the teacher heeds the pedagogical aspects in every teaching and learning activity, the enthusiasm of students' learning, learning activities and minimal mastery of student learning will be difficult to achieve. On this basis, how are teachers good at packaging and determining the right learning model in teaching and learning activities. The application of the Investigative Group Learning Model is one of the Cooperative Learning models that emphasizes student participation and activities to find their own subject matter (information) to be studied through available materials, for example from textbooks or students can search via the internet. In this model students are involved since planning, both in determining the topic and how to learn it through investigation. This type requires students to have good skills in communication and group process skills. The investigative group model can train students to develop independent thinking skills. Active student involvement can be seen from the first stage to the final stage of learning. By conducting a series of Classroom Action Research activities using the Investigative Group Learning Model in class IX d and the subject matter of Indonesia's Potential and Efforts to Become a Developed Country through 2 cycles, it provides a fairly significant picture of an increase in students' learning motivation effectively and also has an influence on improvement of student learning outcomes from cycle 1 to cycle 2.


Investigative Group Learning Model, Student Activities, Student Learning Outcomes.

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