Darwis Darmawan


Geographic Information System (GIS) or also often called Geographic Information System (GIS) has recently experienced very rapid development along with the development of information technology. Information systems or data based on space at this time is one very important element, because it serves as a foundation in implementing and supporting various kinds of applications. An example of an application that can be made on the basis of GIS is the distribution of the New Student Admissions (PPDB) zoning system. The New Student Admission System (PPDB) which has been implemented since 2018 is not based on academic achievement, but is based on the distance between the student's residence and the school (zoning). The zoning system implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture in the process of New Student Admission (PPDB) in schools aims to equalize the right to education for school-age children. To make it easier for relevant agencies and the public to get information about the nearest school in a zone, it is necessary to create an information system that can provide information on the existence or location of the school. Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system designed to work with spatially referenced data or geographic coordinates. the use of sig for the distribution of the zoning system for New Student Admissions (PPDB) includes a mobile-based Geographic Information System (GIS) and uses WebGIS-based geocoding. A mobile-based Geographic Information System (GIS) is an integration of three technologies, namely GIS software, Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, and mobile communication devices. WebGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) application that can be accessed online via the internet / web. Both of these applications can map and determine school distance zoning by utilizing several search filters such as address, buffer distance, and determine the user's position.


GIS, zoning system, PPDB

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