Linda Puji Astuti, Rahmadi Rahmadi, Yulian Widya Saputra


Online learning can be said to be effective if the learning process can be carried out in accordance with predetermined goals.  This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online learning geography Class XII Social Sciences even semester SMA Negeri in Samarinda City.  This research is quantitative descriptive.  The population in this study were students of class XII IPS SMA Negeri Samarinda with a population of 241 students using random sampling technique with a sample of 70 students. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, questionnaires, and documentation.  The results showed that there were 38 students with a percentage of 54.28% who said it was effective in online learning, 32 students with a percentage of 45.71% who said it was not effective in online learning as measured by a research questionnaire.  there are 50 students with a percentage of 71.42% who say it is effective in online learning, 20 students with a percentage of 28.57% who say it is not effective in online learning is measured by working on evaluation questions.  The learning effectiveness of high school students on geography subjects for class XII Social Studies in Samarinda City as a whole, namely SMA Negeri 2, SMA 11, and SMA 15 was measured by a research questionnaire. The dominant students said that online learning was carried out effectively with a percentage of 54.27%. The learning effectiveness of high school students on geography subjects for class XII Social Studies in Samarinda City as a whole, namely SMA 2, SMA 11, and SMA Negeri 15 was measured by working on evaluation questions on the concept of area and spatial planning.  effective with a percentage of 71.42%.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Online Learning, Geography



Effectiveness, Online Learning, Geography

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