The tourism sector has a positive influence on the economic growth of the surrounding community because it is able to drive other sectors such as the economic, social and cultural sectors of the surrounding community. The Panyaweuyan terraces is one of the tourism objects in Majalengka Regency in the form of hills planted with various kinds of vegetables with the largest harvested area in the form of scallions and shallots. Sustainable tourism is tourism that can meet the demands of tourists. SWOT analysis is obtained from a review of the results of the analysis of internal and external factors which are processed using the SWOT matrix. The purpose of this study was to analyze the potential attractiveness of Panyaweuyan terracing as a sustainable educational tourism object in Majalengka district. The results of the processing show that the potential possessed by Panyaweuyan terracing can support it as an educational tourism object. This potential is sought to be optimized so that tourist objects can become a source of learning for tourists so that they can add new knowledge and knowledge.
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