INNOVATICS: International Journal on Innovation in Research of Informatics

INNOVATICS: International Journal on Innovation in Research of Informatics is a scientific research journal dedicated to advancing the field of informatics through the publication high-quality with innovative research. The primary aim of the journal is to foster the development and growth of research in various domains of informatics, providing a platform for researchers, academicians, and professionals to share their findings, insights, and advancements.

The journal covers a broad spectrum of topics within the field, including but not limited to:

Machine LearningComputer VisionInternet of ThingsInformation System and Technology
Natural Language ProcessingImage ProcessingNetwork SecurityGeographic Information System
Knowledge basedComputer GraphicCyber SecurityMobile Application
Data MiningGame DevelopmentDigital Forensic 
Pattern RecognizationVirtual & Augmented RealityVirtualization 
Self-Adaptive SystemsHuman Computer InteractionCloud Computing 

INNOVATICS International Journal is a peer-reviewed journal written in English which is published twice a year starting from Vol. 5 No.1 March 2023 (March and September) with a review process using a double-blind review.

To improve the quality of articles, every article submitted must be written in English, there are at least 2 authors and 10 reference articles from journals and use Mendeley or Bibliography as reference software.

Publication Schedule

Publish: 30 March

Publish: 30 September

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The fees charged for processing in the journal are set as follows:

Article Submission : (Rp. 0,-)
Review Processing : (Rp. 0,-)
Article Publication  : (Rp. 0,-)

Any question? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Department of Informatics
Faculty of Engineering, Siliwangi University
Jl. Siliwangi No. 24 Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat - Indonesia 46115 



Information: Call for Papers Vol. 6. No. 2 [ September 2024 ]


We invite researchers, lecturers, practitioners and students to submit their scientific articles in English language to be published in the journal Innovatics Volume 6. No. 2, September 2024. We will receive the manuscript no later than August 20, 2024. Thank You very Much...

Posted: 2024-06-07

Vol 6, No 1 (2024): March 2024

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Vol 6, No 1 (2024)

This issue has been available online since 31th March 2024 for the regular issue of March 2024. All articles in this issue
(6 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 18 authors from 5 countries (Malaysia, Indonesia, Cameroon, Australia, and Morocco).

Table of Contents

Hayatou Oumarou, Yahdi Siradj, Randi Rizal, Fikri Candra

Souhayla Elmeftahi, Maulana Decky Rakhman, Alam Rahmatulloh

Siti Rahayu Selamat, Soung Young Cai, Nor Hafeizah Hassan, Robiah Yusof

Fadhila Tangguh Admojo, Slamet Risnanto, Ai Wulan Windiawati, Muhammad Innuddin, Desti Mualfah

Hidayatulloh Himawan, Tito Pinandita, Rizky Ridwan, Hilmi Aziz

Aso Sudiarjo, Mugi Praseptiawan, Nuk Ghurroh Setyoningrum, Hilmi Maulana Drajat, Fauzan Natsir

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Innovation in Research on Informatics (INNOVATICS) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

ISSN Online: 2656-8993