Information: The Selected Paper Reward Winner
Congratulations to the winners of the selected paper reward edition Volume 5 No. 1 2023 as follows: 1. Multi-Layer Perceptron For Diagnosing Stroke With The SMOTE Method In Overcoming Data Imbalances. (M. Hafidz Ariansyah, Sri Winarno, Esmi Nur Fitri, Helynda Mulya Arga Retha) 2. Security System For Motorcycle Using Raspberry Pi and Fingerprint With Mobile-Based Finite State Machine (FSM) Method. (Rometdo Muzawi, Yoyon Efendi, Unang Rio, Dafwen Toresa) 3. Natural Language Processing for Unstructured Data: Earthquakes Spatial Analysis in Indonesia Using Platform Social Media Twitter. (Joko Ade Nursiyono, Rasya Khalil Gibran) To the winners of selected paper, please contact whatsapp number +62853 2013 2014 (Mr. Randi Rizal) to hand over the rewards. |

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