Pengenalan Jenis Ular Berbasis Augmented Reality di Indonesia Menggunakan Metode Markerless Based on Tracking

Irvan Akbar Wijaya


Due to the lack of education and understanding of the types of snakes to the community in Indonesia due to ignorance, it has caused damage to snake habitat and the human environment, for example, damaged rice fields due to high rat populations due to snake extinction due to various arrests and culling. Therefore, in this final project that will be done is to create an Augmented Reality application of Indonesian snakes with a markerless based on tracking method and the use of User Defined Target technology with the aim of being an answer to the problems being faced its benefits In addition to information, insight into knowledge about understanding the types and characteristics snake in Indonesia. The results of the application testing research were carried out using the alpha test method alpha testing was carried out by black-box testing all menus and buttons were running well, the camera distance was 15 cm. very nice.

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