Security System For Motorcycle Using Raspberry Pi and Fingerprint With Mobile-Based Finite State Machine (FSM) Method

Rometdo Muzawi, Yoyon Efendi, Unang Rio, Dafwen Toresa


Data from the BPS (Central Statistical Agency) show that private car theft in Indonesia is on the rise year after year, especially for two-wheeled vehicles or motorcycles. According to the BPS Crime Statistics Report, there were around 35,000 motor vehicle theft events in Indonesia in 2017 and 38,000 instances in 2018. People's concerns regarding the security of these two-wheeled vehicles are growing as a result. This study presents a fingerprint- and Raspberry Pi-based motorcycle security system. Bikes may be monitored, and their ignitions can be controlled remotely using a mobile-based Finite State Machine (FSM) technique. The Neo 6 GPS module will send longitude and latitude in real time to the Android smartphone application, which generates a map or location point so that it will send notifications if there is movement on the motorcycle. The voltage sensor connected to the Raspberry Pi circuit can detect the motor voltage. A system that uses the FSM (Finite State Machine) approach to identify changes in location data from designated parking lots and deliver messages to a push bullet is the study's output. Controlling the motorcycle ignition, which may remotely switch off the motorcycle when one is taken, is another way to provide early notice.

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