Pengki Irawan


Water is a basic human need. The need for clean water is increasing with the increase in population. Increased water demand is not offset by the availability of surface water, where the availability of surface water decreases. Overcoming these problems, groundwater is one solution. Groundwater is below the surface of the ground in the layer of groundwater carrier. The groundwater carrier layer is called an aquifer. Groundwater exploitation must pay attention to the environmental support capacity of groundwater. Carrying capacity of groundwater is influenced by the characteristics of aquifers, these characteristics include conductivity, thickness of aquifers, width of aquifers, rocks that make up aquifers and hydraulic gradients. Based on geoelectric studies, aquifers at the location of the investigation are arranged by the sandy clay layer. Groundwater in the unconfined zones of aquifers and confined zones is composed of sandy clay and clay sand layers with potential for groundwater 86.4 - 432 m3/day, equivalent to 1 - 5 liter/second. The well discharge potential is estimated to be less than 1 liter / second. The potential of deep groundwater potential is 432 m3/day, equivalent to 5 liter/second.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37058/jssainstek.v5i1.646


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