Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Reflektif Matematis Ditinjau dari Habits Of Mind

Lela Kusuma Wardani, Linda Herawati, Depi Setialesmana


The purpose of this research is to describe students mathematical reflective thinking skills with habits of mind categories of emerging, development, proficient, and exemplary on the material of a three-variable linear equation system. This study applies a qualitative approach to the type of qualitative descriptive research. The instrument used to collect data in this research is a matter of mathematical reflective thinking skills and a questionnaire of habits of mind. The data that has been collected was analyzed using Miles and Huberman analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing and verification. The results showed that students' mathematical reflective thinking skills with habits of mind in the emerging category, able to answer indicators of recognizing the difficulty of a problem, developing ideas to solve problems, and testing problem solving solutions to be used in making conclusions. Mathematical reflective thinking skills of students with habits of mind in the development category, able to answer indicators of recognizing the difficulty of a problem, developing ideas to solve problems, and testing problem solving solutions to be used in making conclusions. Students mathematical reflective thinking skills with habits of mind are proficient categories, able to answer indicators of recognizing the difficulty of a problem, limiting and formulating problems, proposing possible solutions. and testing problem-solving solutions for use in making inferences. Students mathematical reflective thinking skills with habits of mind in the exemplary category are able to answer the five indicators according to Dewey.

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