Validitas, Praktikalitas, dan Reliabilitas Penilaian Bahan Ajar Cetak Materi Segitiga pada Model Discovery Learning Berbasis High Order Thinking Skills
This study aims to develop printed teaching materials by building students' understanding through teaching materials that require active learning and to support students accustomed to solving problems based on High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The method used is the Research & Development (R&D) method with a 4D model that a define, design, develop, disseminate to produce teaching materials and quantitative methods to calculate validity, practicality, and reliability between class. The instrument used is a questionnaire of the validity of teaching materials and a questionnaire of practicality. The data sources of this research were four material experts, two media experts, two mathematics subject educators and the research subjects were four students of class VIII. The results showed that the validity of the teaching materials obtained based on the material and graphics as a whole was quite valid and the reliability between material experts was stated to be strong, the practicality by two teachers showed very practicality and the reliability between educators was stated to be strong in the similarity of scores, and the practicality by the students with practical criteria and Reliability among students is stated to be close to the perfect score given. Based on this validation and practicality, it can be concluded that the triangle material teaching materials using a discovery learning model based on high order thinking skills are appropriate for use in the learning process.
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