Eksplorasi Etnomatematika Masyarakat Madura dalam Melakukan Pengukuran

Ahmad Zainuddin, Anak AgungGde Somatanaya, Satya Santika


This study aims to discover the use of mathematical ideas in the tradition of the Madurese society in Tampojung Tengah Village, Waru District, Pamekasan Regency and its potential and its relevance to mathematical concepts. The study emphases on investigating the tradition of measurement that developed in the Madurese society, especially in the middle village of Tampojung. In this qualitative research, the data were collected using the method of observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed by qualitative-verification approach. The findings of this study indicate that the Madurese society has applied a number of mathematical principles in conducting measurement activities as well as in the use of units and measuring instruments. They understand the role and use of measurement units and have found a number of measurement units. They also have a unit of measurement conversion system that is similar in terms of applying mathematical principles with international standards, such as kilograms, meters and other standards. They also showed their understanding of the measurement concept, ratio and comparison when applying the unit's conversion system. This mathematical tradition can inspire the practice of teaching mathematics. This tradition can be used as a didactic phenomenon or as a way to help students achieve more formal mathematics in learning about the concept of the unit of measurement and also the concept of ratio and comparison.

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Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan  
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