Kemampuan Penalaran Statistis Siswa Ditinjau Dari Level Berpikir Taksonomi SOLO
The aims of this research is to describe students’ statistical reasoning abilities based on SOLO taxonomy thinking levels in solving statistical problems. This research is qualitative research with an exploratory method. Data collection techniques include statistical reasoning ability tests and interviews. The research instrument used was a statistical reasoning ability test. The subjects of this research were class VIII students of SMP Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya. The research results showed that subjects with a prestructural level of thinking were only able to fulfill one indicator of statistical reasoning ability, namely being able to understand statistical concepts and rules. Subjects with a unistructural level of thinking are able to fulfill two indicators of statistical reasoning ability, namely being able to understand statistical concepts and rules, and being able to express reasons for data, but only using one data and one solution without providing other alternative solutions. Subjects with a multistructural level of thinking can meet two indicators of statistical reasoning ability, namely being able to understand statistical concepts and rules, and being able to express reasons for data, but have used alternative solutions and a lot of data. Subjects with a relational thinking level were able to fulfill all indicators of statistical reasoning ability, but were inconsistent in the solution process. Subjects with an expanded level of abstract thinking are able to fulfill all indicators of statistical reasoning ability, and the results of their work are always consistent in accordance with statistical concepts and rules.
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