Proses Berpikir Kreatif Peserta Didik dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika Ditinjau dari Adversity Quotient (AQ)
This research aims to understand how learners use creative thinking skills in solving math problems, with a focus on adversity quotient (AQ). The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data were collected through the distribution of adversity response profile questionnaires, quadrilateral and triangle flat material exams, and interviews. The research was conducted at MTs Manarul Huda Tasikmalaya in class VII with a total of 17 participants. The results showed that there was 1 subject in the quitters category, 5 subjects in the quitters to campers category, 8 subjects in the campers category, 2 subjects in the campers to climbers category, and 1 subject in the climbers category. From each AQ category, only 1 subject from each category managed to fulfill all stages of the thinking process according to Torrance. However, none of the subjects in the quitters category managed to fulfill all stages of Torrance's thinking process. Subjects in the climbers category were able to fulfill all stages of Torrance's thinking process very well and smoothly. Subjects in the campers to climbers transition category were able to fulfill the creative thinking process with few calculation errors. While subjects in the campers category were able to fulfill all stages, but with some calculation errors. Subjects in the transition category of quitters to campers were able to fulfill all of Torrance's creative thinking process, but with many calculation errors.
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