Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbantuan Ispring Suite 11 untuk Mengekplorasi Kemampuan Numerasi dan Koneksi Matematis

Dinda Sintia Marliani, Depi Ardian Nugraha, Yeni Heryani


The aim of this research is to develop media to know the feasibility, student response, and effectiveness of the learning media assisted by Ispring Suite 11 on Geometry material to explore numerical and mathematical connection abilities. The research method used is Research & Development (R&D) by applying the ADDIE model. Data collection was conducted through interviews, questionnaires, and tests of numerical and mathematical connection abilities. The instruments used include interview grid sheets, questionnaires to assess feasibility and student response, and ability test questions to evaluate effectiveness. The data sources consist of two media experts and two material experts to assess the technical quality, content, and objectives of the learning media, as well as eighth-grade students from SMP Negeri 9 Tasikmalaya to assess the response and effectiveness of the learning media. The result of this research is a learning media application that can be accessed via Android smartphones under the name "Dunia Geo-Metrical." The feasibility assessment of the learning media was conducted based on content quality and objectives by material experts, receiving a feasible rating, and technical quality by media experts, receiving a very feasible rating. The learning media received positive feedback regarding its use from the students. Additionally, the effectiveness of this media falls under the “Strong effect” criterion, with an effect size of 3.25 > 1.00 for numerical ability, 2.24 > 1.00 for mathematical connection ability, and 3.06 > 1.00 for the overall results of both.

Keywords:   ADDIE, Ispring Suite 11, Instructional Media Development, Research & Development.

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