Studi Komparasi Kemampuan Penalaran Analogis Siswa Berdasarkan Keikutsertaan di Bimbingan Belajar Luar Sekolah

Luthfi Hanif Abdurrahim, Linda Herawati, Eko Yulianto


This research was conducted to investigate whether there is a difference in analogical reasoning ability between students who take tutoring and those who do not. The research employed ex-post facto quantitative research and was carried out in SMPN 1, SMPN 2, and SMPN 3 in Tasikmalaya City. The sample size consisted of 124 class IX students, selected through cluster random sampling. Data was gathered through analogical reasoning ability test and analyzed using the dependent t-test in SPSS Statistics 24 software. The result of the analysis obtained a significance value of 0,809 > 0,05 hence the null hypothesis is accepted. It means there is no significant difference in analogical reasoning ability between students who took tutoring and those who did not take tutoring.

Keywords:   tutoring; analogical reasoning ability

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