Studi Pengambilan Keputusan (Decision Making) Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Ditinjau Dari Self-Efficacy
This research aims to describe students' decision making in solving word problems in terms of self-efficacy. This research is a type of qualitative research with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques in this research were obtained from self-efficacy questionnaires, decision making tests, and interviews. Subjects were selected from class VIII-B students based on the results of the high and low category questionnaires. Apart from that, indicators and categories in decision making are also taken into consideration in determining the subject. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, data verification and drawing conclusions. Based on the research results, it was found that: (1) subjects in the heuristic high self-efficacy category can fulfill all decision making indicators (2) subjects in the empirical low self-efficacy category can fulfill six, namely identifying problems, identifying goals, finding alternative answers, solving problems, evaluating alternative answers, and can draw conclusions (3) subjects in the heuristic low self-efficacy category can fulfill six indicators except evaluating alternative answers, presenting and remembering the relationship between problems and things that are known and the decisions that have been taken. (4) subjects in the low rational self-efficacy category can fulfill seven indicators except evaluating alternative answers and evaluating decision results (5) subjects in the intuitive self-efficacy category only fulfill two indicators of decision making, namely being able to identify problems and being able to find alternative answers.
Keywords: Decision Making, two variable linear equations, self-efficacy
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