This study aims to analyze students' mathematical communication skills during the Adiwiyata program, focusing on the creation of a medicinal plant garden at SMAN 2 Banjarsari, specifically on the topics of distance in space and plane geometry. This research employs a qualitative approach with a case study design, involving 12th-grade students participating in the activity. Data were collected through observations, interviews with students and teachers, as well as document analysis and student work results. The findings indicate that students have a good understanding of the concepts of distance in space and plane geometry and are able to apply these concepts in designing the medicinal plant garden. Students' mathematical communication skills, both verbal and written, were generally good, although there were challenges in delivering explanations systematically and coherently. These challenges were identified in the use of mathematical notation and the articulation of calculation steps in detail. Philosophical perspectives in education, particularly the views of Dewey and Freire, suggest that project-based activities, such as creating the medicinal plant garden, can enrich students' learning experiences and strengthen the connection between mathematical concepts and their real-life applications. This study recommends integrating more project-based activities in mathematics education that are relevant to students' lives, as well as developing students' mathematical communication skills through targeted training in formulating systematic explanations.
Keywords: mathematical communication, project-based learning, educational philosophy
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Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Siliwangi
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