Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Bertema Etnomatematika Di Tasikmalaya Berbantuan Smart Apps Creator 3 Pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar
This study aims to develop interactive learning media with ethnomathematics theme in Tasikmalaya assisted by Smart Apps Creator 3 on flat-sided spatial geometry material and to see the effectiveness of using the media on student learning outcomes. The research method used is Research & Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, questionnaires, and test questions. The research instruments used are media expert assessment sheets, material expert assessments, student response questionnaires, teacher response questionnaires, and test questions. The research data were obtained from 2 media experts, 2 material experts, 2 mathematics teachers, 9 students of MTsN 4 Tasikmalaya City and 30 students of class VIII A MTsN 4 Tasikmalaya City. This study produces a product in the form of learning media that can be used via Android. Based on the research results, at the Analysis stage the researcher examines the existing gaps/problems, determines learning objectives, analyzes student characteristics, and identifies the resources needed. At the Design stage, Flowchart and Storyboard were produced, supporting materials were collected, and assessment sheets were designed. At the Development stage, the researcher produced a product in the form of an android application with the media name "ETNEMASIK" which has been declared "very feasible" by experts so that the media can be used. At the Implementation stage, the media was tested on a small-scale implementation to 9 students of MTsN 4 Tasikmalaya City and received student responses in the category "very good". Furthermore, the product was tested in learning activities on a large-scale implementation to 30 students of class VIII A MTsN 4 Tasikmalaya City. And the last stage is Evaluation, namely improvements obtained from the results of the student and teacher response questionnaire on a large-scale implementation and obtained student responses in the category "very good" and teacher responses in the category "very good". The results of the media effectiveness test were seen from the classical completeness of students and obtained a percentage score of 80% and an N-Gain score of 0.35856574 which was in the "moderate" category. Therefore, interactive learning media with ethnomathematics theme in Tasikmalaya assisted by Smart Apps Creator 3 effectively improves students' learning outcomes in flat-sided spatial geometry material.
Keywords: Interactive learning media; Ethnomathematics; Smart Apps Creator 3; Flat Sided Space Building.
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