Ifa Hanifiah, Mega Nur Pabrawati


Teaching mathematics in schools still tends to emphasize the target of material completion rather than paying attention to the process of forming mindset in understanding an understanding or solving a problem of a mathematical problem. For this reason, changes need to be made in the thinking process of students so that students have good thinking skills. One of the skills that must be developed to achieve these goals is critical thinking. Critical thinking skills as part of psychomotor aspects and critical thinking skills as part of cognitive aspects, both must be related to train students in forming mindset in analyzing, making choices and drawing conclusions in a problem to improve learning outcomes. The facts in the field revealed by the teachers that it is not easy to improve students' critical thinking skills. There needs to be a certain strategy applied in the learning process. One strategy that is assumed to be appropriate is the MEA (Ends-Analysis Analysis) strategy. Through the MEA strategy, students are faced with a mathematical problem and require students to divide the problem into several subproblems, then complete it in each of the subproblems. This encourages students to get used to critical thinking, so that mathematical critical thinking skills can increase. The purpose of this study was to find out: (a) teacher and student activities with MEA strategies, (b) students 'critical thinking skills in each cycle through the MEA strategy, (c) students' critical thinking skills after following the entire cycle through the MEA strategy, ( d) student attitudes towards learning with the MEA strategy.

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