Yeyen Muflihah, Ebih AR Arhasy


The purpose of this study is to determine whether the improvement of Self Regulated Learning can overcome students' learning difficulties in mathematics. Self Regulated Learning  can be interpreted as learning independence. This type of research is classroom action research with the subject of research are students of class VIII H SMP Negeri 1 Singaparna Academic Year 2018/2019 consisting of 32 students in the material Pythagorean theorem. The research was conducted in three cycles. The first cycle of studying the material examines the correctness of the Pythagorean theorem, the second cycle of studying matter applies the Pythagorean theorem, and the third cycle studies matter determines the types of triangles. Data from research results obtained from the results of questionnaire analysis about student learning difficulties, and student test scores. Data obtained from student questionnaires and student grades were analyzed by calculating the percentage of student learning difficulties. After this research was conducted, students who had high Self Regulated Learning could overcome their difficulties in learning mathematics. From the preliminary data, which is the Final Semester Assessment  value, only 62.5% of students who get grades reach minimum completeness criteria, which is 76, meaning 37.5% still have not reached minimum completeness criteria and can be assumed that 37.5% students have learning difficulties. In the first cycle the results of the questionnaire analysis 71.9% did not experience difficulties in learning while from the test results 65.6% could reach minimum completeness criteria. In the second cycle the results of the questionnaire analysis 78% had no difficulty in learning while the results of the tests 75% could reach minimum completeness criteria. In the third cycle the results of the 87.5% questionnaire analysis did not experience learning difficulties while from the test results 84.4% were able to reach minimum completeness criteria. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that increasing Self Regulated Learning or learning independence can overcome student learning difficulties. Students who have high Self Regulated Learning can effectively manage their own learning experiences in various ways so as to achieve optimal learning outcomes wherever they are.

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