Metode Konstruktivisme untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran Matematik Peserta Didik

Yusep Heri Agustian


Mathematical reasoning skills students have been less terespon well, this is due to factors passivity of learners, as well as the election less relevant learning methods that affect the mathematical reasoning ability learners. In an effort to improve mathematical reasoning abilities of students, applied methods of constructivism is expected to be more active learners and able to construct his own knowledge in learning. Formulation of the problem is "Is there an increase in mathematical reasoning skills students use methods of constructivism?" The method used is the quasi-experimental method with a pretestposttest design. Constructivism method is given to students of class XII SMK Manonjaya in academic year 2018/2019. The instrument used was a test description in the form of mathematical reasoning tests are conducted with pretest-posttest techniques. The results showed that the method kosntruktivisme there is increasing mathematical reasoning ability learners to see average values obtained learners after carrying out a pretest-posttest

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