KONSEP UANG MENURUT PEMIKIRAN IMAM AL-GHAZALI (Studi Kasus: Uang Palsu Beredar di Pasar Hajodaksino Solo)
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to find out imam al-ghazali's thoughts on the concept of money and imam al-ghazali's opinion on counterfeit money.
Design/methodology/approach: The method used is library research. This research uses primary data sourced from books and journals related to the discussion of the concept of money according to the thought of imam al-ghazali.
Findings: The findings is function of money according to Al-Ghazali is very appropriate to be a reference and basic foundation in Islamic economics. Through the explanation above, according to al-Ghazali's thought money should be in accordance with the main function of money as a unit of account and medium of exchange of economic activity. It can be concluded that money according to al-Ghazali is an object that serves as a facility to obtain other goods. The object is considered to have no value as goods. Based on the case above, according to Al-Ghazali's view, printing or circulating counterfeit money is more dangerous than hoarding a thousand dirhams, because stealing is one of the sins, while printing and circulating counterfeit money the sin will continue to recur every time the counterfeit money is used and harm anyone who receives it in a longer period of time.
Research Implication: The implication is that there needs to be special direction and supervision in the use of money in accordance with Islamic teachings or provisions, in order to avoid practices that harm many people.
Originality/value: The originality of this research is directed to us that in using money must be in accordance with the teachings or Islamic law that has been established.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37058/ams.v1i2.10980
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