Strategi BAZNAS dalam Mengatasi Ketimpangan Penerimaan Dana Zakat

Shalsa Nabila, Angellina Kartika Sari, Sarah Maharani


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify the strategies implemented by BAZNAS Tasikmalaya Regency to increase zakat fund collection and leverage zakat as a solution to social inequality and poverty in the region.

Design/methodology/approach: The research employs a qualitative method to gain in-depth insights. Primary data is collected through interviews and observations to understand the strategies and efforts of BAZNAS Tasikmalaya Regency. The qualitative approach allows for a comprehensive exploration of the subject matter.

Findings: The research reveals that BAZNAS Tasikmalaya Regency is actively working to promote the importance of zakat through various socialization efforts. They are aligning their vision and mission to ensure effective realization of their goals. The organization is committed to summarizing the distribution of zakat funds and providing excellent service to muzaki (zakat payers), munfik (contributors), and mustahik (zakat recipients). BAZNAS Tasikmalaya Regency aims to increase public awareness and concern for zakat obligations, hoping that more people will participate in zakat activities in the future.

Research Implication: The findings imply that strategic efforts in promoting zakat and aligning organizational goals are crucial for increasing zakat fund collection and addressing income inequality. For policymakers and zakat management organizations, this research highlights the importance of public awareness campaigns and excellent service delivery in enhancing zakat participation. The study suggests that other regions could adopt similar strategies to improve zakat collection and distribution, thereby mitigating poverty and social inequality.

Originality/value: This research contributes to the understanding of how zakat can be strategically used to combat income inequality and poverty in Indonesia. By focusing on the specific strategies of BAZNAS Tasikmalaya Regency, the study provides practical insights and actionable recommendations for zakat management organizations. The qualitative approach offers a detailed exploration of the subject, making the findings valuable for both academic research and practical implementation in the field of zakat management. This study is particularly beneficial for regions looking to enhance their zakat systems and maximize the social impact of zakat funds.


Strategy; Zakat; Inequality; Revenue; BAZNAS

Full Text:

PDF 74-82


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Copyright (c) 2024 AL-MUSAHAMAH: Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance, and Business

Program Studi Ekonomi Syari'ah
Fakultas Agama Islam 
Universitas Siliwangi
Jl. Siliwangi No.24 Kota Tasikmalaya
e-ISSN 3047-8847


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