Menimbang Potensi Wisata Berbasis Sejarah Lokal di Kabupaten Ponorogo
Ponorogo is an old district in the Madiun residency. A district that has a lot of tourism potential, one of its potentials is historical tourism. The government of Ponorogo, the elected regent for the 2020-2024 period, wants to build a HOS Cokroaminoto road like Malioboro. Based on that, this research examines the potential of tourism based on local history in Ponorogo. this research method is descriptive qualitative. The research design is a case study. Sources of data used are sites and libraries. The results of the research on HOS Cokroaminoto Street have the potential for historical tourism, educational tourism, religious tourism, and artificial tourism. This development is expected to have a positive impact on historical insight but is able to bring prosperity to the community's economic sector.
Keywords: History, Ponorogo, Tourism potencyÂ
Full Text:
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Artikel dalam koran:
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Dokumen resmi:
Foto 1 Arsip Pimpinan Daerah Muhamadiyah Ponorogo
Foto 2 Arsip Babad Ponorogo
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