Ahmad Ubaedah, Endang Surahman, Dodih Heryadi
This research aims: to know the relationship between students ' knowledge about waste management with the behavior of students in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment, to know the relationship between the motivation of the students about the management of waste with The behavior of students in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment, to know the relationship between knowledge and motivation students about waste management together with the behavior of students in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment. The research method used is a correlational survey technique. The research population is the entire students of the Pondok Pesantren Baitul Hikmah with a range of ages 16-17 years, amounting to 364 people, and sampling techniques using simple random sampling as much as 15% of the population of 54 people. The research instrument is used in the form of questionnaire test and poll. The data analysis technique used is a correlation test with a level of α significance = 0.05. Based on data analysis shows that: there is sufficient connection between the knowledge of the students about waste management with the behavior of the students in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment according to the price of the correlation coefficient (r) obtained by 0.388 with a regression equation of Y = 47.050 + 0.303 X1, there is a strong relationship between the motivation of students about the 0.521 with a regression equation of Y = 8.678 + 0.745 x2, there is a strong connection between knowledge and the motivation of students about the management of waste in conjunction with the students behavior in keeping the cleanliness of the environment according to the price of the correlation coefficient obtained at 0.553 with a regression equation of y = 7.491 + 0.160 x1 + 0.621 x2.
Knowledge, Motivation, Behaviour, Waste Management, Environmental Hygiene
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