KARAKTERISTIK PEMUKIMAN PENDUDUK DI DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI (DAS) CIMANUK Studi Kasus Di Desa Haurpanggung Kecamatan Tarogong Kidul Kabupaten Garut

Hikmah Hendariwati, Siti Fadjarajani, Iman Hilman


This study aims to determine the characteristics of population settlements, settlement patterns, social characteristics of the population, population characteristics, economic characteristics of the population, natural factors that affect settlement development and non-natural factors that affect the development of residential settlements in Hauranggung Village, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Regency. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation studies. The data analysis technique was carried out using descriptive techniques and data triangulation techniques. The results showed that: (1) residential areas in the Cimanuk Watershed (DAS) in Haurpanggung Village, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Regency. The form or pattern of settlement in Haurpanggung Village, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Regency is included in the form of a linear village, because the settlements extend along the Cimanuk River channel. High population growth has resulted in residents making settlements in the Cimanuk Watershed (DAS). This makes an air catchment area which at any time can cause flooding if the Cimanuk River overflows. (2) Socio-cultural and economic characteristics of the population in Haurpanggung Village, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Regency. The residents of Hauranggung Village have strong kinship relations because the majority of the population comes from one lineage. They accept anyone regardless of who that person is and do not conflict with the principles of religious teachings. The cultural condition of the Haurpanggung Village community that is quite prominent is the very strong mutual cooperation culture. The economic condition of the community is described by their livelihood. most of the people work in agriculture, plantations, labor. (3) The factors causing the development of settlements are that people living in villages decide to stay in the long term, both residents who already live in the sub-district and residents who previously lived as well as lower land prices. The inability of the community to buy land elsewhereis very expensive.


Residential Characteristics, Socio-Cultural and Economic Characteristics, Population Development Factors

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