Tineu Indrianeu


Many environmental issues have been read by all people, because the environment from time to time experiences tremendous damage, both naturally and non-naturally. Related to this it is not comparable with the human condition in which humans do not seem to care about the preservation and integrity of the environment. Planting environmental education through the Adiwiyata program issued by the Ministry of the Environment in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education with the aim of instilling concern for students in protecting and preserving the environment. SMP Negeri 10 Tasikmalaya provides guidance through the Adiwiyata program because looking at the condition of the school in terms of environmental aspects is not good because it sees the position of schools in urban centers where environmental conditions are not good for the process of learning and learning with noise problems, pollution levels high air, and hot. So with this background researching what adiwiayata school models are applied to increase the awareness of school residents towards the environment in SMPN 10 Tasikmalaya, with the aim of finding the adiwiyata school model used by SMPN 10 Tasikmalaya to increase the concern of school residents towards the environment, the method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study show that SMPN 10 Tasikmalaya uses the adiwiyata school model as follows, (1) making a waste bank, (2) free movement of plastic bottles for use every Friday, (3) Classroom Cleanliness and Cleanliness Competition, (4) Greenhouse, (5) the existence of the TOGA (Tanaman Obat Keluarga) Movement. From this, in the modeling of Adiwiyata School at SMPN 10 Tasikmalaya, it raised the concern of school residents to be able to protect and preserve the environment


Adiwiyata School Model, Caring for the Environment

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