Comparative Performance Evaluation of Classification Methods for Arabic Numeral Handwritten Recognition

Intan Novita Saly, Purnawansyah Purnawansyah, Huzain Azis


This study aims to evaluate the performance of various classification methods in recognizing handwritten Arabic numerals, particularly the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), and NU Support Vector Classifier (NU SVC) algorithms. In this study, a dataset of handwritten Arabic numerals consisting of 9,350 samples with 10 different classes was used. The research process involved data collection, data labeling, dividing the dataset into training and testing data, implementing classification algorithms, and performance testing using cross-validation methods. The results showed that NU SVC had more stable performance with accuracy close to KNN, while GNB showed the lowest performance. The conclusion of this study emphasizes that the selection of algorithms and parameter optimization is crucial to improve the accuracy and efficiency of handwriting recognition systems. Support Vector Machine (SVM) based algorithms proved to be superior in handling complex classification tasks compared to GNB. This study provides significant contributions to the field of handwriting recognition, particularly in the context of Arabic numeral handwriting, and can serve as a reference for developers of optical character recognition (OCR) systems in the future. Future research is recommended to increase the variety of datasets and further explore parameter optimization and data preprocessing techniques to improve system accuracy.

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