Determinan Kinerja Pengguna Modul Pembayaran Sakti dengan Kepuasan Pengguna sebagai Variabel Intervening
This research to analyze the implementation of payment module of SAKTI application by analyzing the factors that influence net benefits (user performance) with user satisfaction as intervening of payment module of the SAKTI application. Samples were taken using non-probability sampling technique (voluntary sampling) from 11 ministries/agencies that have used payment module web-based SAKTI application. The number of samples collected amounted to 51 samples. Data was processed and analyzed using the SmartPLS software version 3.2.9. This study obtained the results that both system quality and information quality have a significant effect on user satisfaction with a positive relationship direction as well as user satisfaction which has a significant and positive effect on user performance. Based on the processing of data and analysis from the data that has been collected, it can be concluded that in general, the use of the SAKTI application payment module has been running well and providing satisfaction to users and affecting user performance.
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