Kemampuan Number Sense Siswa Menurut Tingkatan Self Confidence

Aris Rinaldi, Ipah Muzdalipah, Mega Nur Prabawati


The aims of this research is to describe students’ number sense abilities in terms of self-confidence. This research is qualitative research with exploratory method. Tests of number sense abilities, distribution of self-confidence questionnaires, and interviews as data collection techniques. The subjects of this research were students in class VII-D SMP Negeri 21 Tasikmalaya who meet all indicators. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This research results show that: (1) the number sense abilities from the high self-sonfidence student (S-4) produced correct answers without difficulty; (2) the number sense abilities from the medium self-confidence student (S-21) produced incorrect answers, used effective and efficient strategies,  but there were errors in the solution process; (3) the number sense abilities from the low high self-confidence student (S-13) produced incorrect answers, but able to solve problems with effective and efficient strategies. There were errors, and not fully completed the indicators related to understanding measurement concepts and using appropriate units.

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