Analisis Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Peserta Didik Berdasarkan Belief Mathematics dalam Menyelesaikan Ill Structured Problems

Hani Fitria Dewi, Mega Nur Prabawati, Ike Natalliasari


The aims of this research is to describe students’ mathematic reasoning abilities based on belief mathematics in solving ill-structured problems. This research used qualitative descriptive method. The subjects in this research were 3 students in class VIII-K of SMP Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya with the categories of high, medium and low mathematics beliefs, and were able to solve ill-structured reasoning problems. The data collection techniques used were filling out a mathematics beliefs questionnaire, ill-structured problems reasoning ability tests, and interviews. This research produces that: 1) high mathematics beliefs category students’ fulfill all indicators of mathematical reasoning ability and can respond to the authenticity, complexity and openness of ill-structured problems; 2) medium mathematics beliefs category students’ are able to state information in detail, propose two solution strategies, but unable to explore strategies appropriately, able to determine patterns and manipulate mathematics, unable to prove and check answers so that the conclusions obtained are not correct, this is shows that students are able to respond to authenticity, but are less able to respond to the complexity and openness of ill-structured problems; 3) low mathematical beliefs category students’ are able to state complete information, only propose one strategy and unable to explore the strategy correctly, able to find patterns but make mistakes in carrying out calculations, unable to prove and check answers so that the conclusions obtained are not correct. This shows that students are able to respond to authenticity but are less able to respond to the complexity and openness of ill-structured problems.

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