Pengembangan Mobile Learning Berbasis Software Sigil Sebagai Suplemen Belajar Matematika SMA Kelas XI

Lutfi Maulana Abdulah, Redi Hermanto, Satya Santika, Santika


The development of mobile learning based on Sigil software as a class XI high school mathematics learning is designed to be an alternative problem that arises in the learning process of mathematics, namely learning that discusses the potential that exists today, namely mobile technology or smartphones. The purpose of this study is to develop learning software based on mobile Sigil as high school class XI mathematics learning and for the feasibility, effectiveness learning of mobile learning products based on Sigil software as a supplement to class XI high school mathematics learning. This study uses a research and development (R & D) approach by adapting the ADDIE model, namely: analysis, (needs front-end analysis and analysis), design, (making flowcharts, storyboarding and relationship design) development and implementation, product manufacturing, trial testing 1 and revision-trial and error. The results of the study found that the results of the development of learning in the form of files with *. The epub format that can be implemented with the epub reader on mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones and mobile learning products developed very effectively used as supplements% of material experts, 94% of experts media and 88.05% of users.

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