Pengembangan E-LKPD Untuk Eksplorasi Kemampuan Representasi Matematis Peserta Didik Berbantuan Game Edukasi WordWall Pada Materi Limas

Sufi Musyarifah, Ipah Muzdalipah, Sri Tirto Madawistama


The aims of this research is to explain the development of E-LKPD to explore students’ mathematical representation ability assisted by the educational game WordWall on Limas Material. This research used Research and Development (RnD) with an analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) development model as research method. The data collection techniques used were interviews, expert assessment sheets, questionnaires, and mathematical representation ability test questions. The subjects of this research were students in class VIII C and E of SMP Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya. Based on the validation results, E-LKPD assisted by the educational game WordWall on the Limas material was declared very feasible by material experts and media experts and the response of students as users obtained a very good category. The effectiveness of using E-LKPD assisted by the educational game WordWall on the Limas material to explore the mathematical representation ability of students based on the calculation of the effect size obtained by 3.04 with the category of "high effectiveness".

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