Proses berpikir aljabar ditinjau dari tipe kepribadian ekstrovert dan introvert
The purpose of this study is to analyze the algebraic thinking process of students in terms of extrovert and introvert personality types. The method in this study is a qualitative-descriptive method. Subjects in this study were grouped based on extrovert and introvert personality types which were taken one by one from each personality type group to be given an algebraic thinking process test. Data analysis techniques used include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that students with extroverted personality types extract information from a given situation by thinking while reading (speaking) aloud the problem and then describing the situation from the problem into a Cartesian diagram. In determining the pattern of mathematical problems by outlining strategies that are less analytical and thorough, this can be seen from several steps of completion. Then in determining mathematical findings by guessing the completion steps and not finding the findings obtained and not checking the results obtained. The algebraic thinking process of students with introverted personality types extracts information from a given situation by thinking and understanding calmly, writing down the information contained in the problem and then describing the situation of the problem in a diagram cartesian. In determining the pattern of mathematical problems, using a strategy by outlining the steps of completion in a coherent, thorough, deep thinking and using algebraic rules analytically and thoroughly. Then in applying the value to determine the solution to the problem by concluding the results obtained and checking the overall and neatness of the answer sheets obtained.
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