Eksplorasi Etnomatematika dalam Menentukan Nama Anak pada Masyarakat Sunda di Wilayah Garut
This study aims to determine philosophy, mathematical activity, and mathematical concepts in the process of calculating Sundanese to determine a child's name. This study uses qualitative research methods and ethnographic approaches. The data in this study were taken from a Sundanese calculation expert who is usually considered an elder by the community. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The research instrument is the researcher himself as the main instrument. The data analysis technique uses the data analysis model according to Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the study it was found that: (1) there is a philosophical meaning in the birth of a child, such as the character of the child if it is based on Sundanese calculations (pancaka 5) or based on the day of birth, (2) there are concepts of addition, division, modulo arithmetic, remainder theorem, and sequence pattern arithmetic, in calculating children's names (3) there are mathematical activities in children's calculations, namely there are activities of calculating, determining locations, measuring, designing, and explaining activities.
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