Kemampuan Berpikir Reflektif Matematis Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Ditinjau dari Dominasi Otak

Rismayanti Rismayanti, Nani Ratnaningsih, Ike Natalliasari


This study aims to analyze and describe mathematical reflective thinking skills in solving higher order thinking questions in terms of brain dominance. This research was conducted at mts nurul ikhlas taken from class ix. This study uses an exploratory descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this study are mathematical reflective thinking ability tests, brain dominance questionnaires, and interviews. The research instrument used is the researcher, the question of the mathematical reflective thinking ability test, the brain dominance questionnaire. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded: (1) the subject of s-06 with left brain dominance was able to work on all stages of mathematical reflective thinking skills at the reacting stage was able to write down what was known and asked and explained what was known was sufficient to answer what was asked, at the elaboration stage. Comparing is able to explain the problems obtained and relate the problems asked to the problems at hand and at the contemplating stage are able to determine the purpose of the problem, detect the truth of determining the answer and make a conclusion. (2) subjects s-14 with right brain dominance were able to do 2 stages. The reacting stage is able to write down what is known and asked and explain what is known is sufficient to answer what is asked, the elaboration/comparing stage is able to explain the problems obtained and relate the problems asked to the problems at hand

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