Analisis Kemampuan Pemodelan Matematika Peserta Didik Ditinjau dari Gaya Berpikir Gregorc

Viana Amanda Maulani, Siska Ryane Muslim, Vepi Apiati


This study aims to analyze the mathematical modeling of students in solving contextual problems in terms of Gregorc's thinking style. The method used in this research is exploratory qualitative. The data collection techniques used were thinking style questionnaire tests, mathematical modeling ability tests and interviews with 5 students as research subjects. The research data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that: The mathematical modeling ability of students with sequential thinking style were able to answer all mathematical modeling indicators correctly, regularly and according to the problem-solving plan that had been implemented, while students with abstract thinking style on indicators determined mathematical models from real models. did not answer it completely. Students with a concrete random thinking style on indicators determining mathematical models from real models do not answer them completely because the subject works according to his own way. And students with random thinking style on a summary of mathematics in mathematical models and mathematical results in real situations, the subject concludes in determining the maximum point and final result

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