Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Peserta Didik Berdasarkan Minat Belajar

Doni Doni, Linda Herawati, Vepi Apiati, Apiati


This research aims to analyze student’s mathematical creative thinking abilities based on learning interest in the high, medium, and low categories. This research is a type of qualitative research with explorative methods. The subject of this research was taken from 9th grade of students of SMP Negeri 1 Puspahiang in the 2022/2023 academic year with the criteria of being able to fulfill 5 indicators of the mathematical creative thinking abilities and be able to communicate clearly and fluently. In addition, research subjects were also taken from each category of interest in learning. The instruments used to collect data consisted of writers, mathematical creative thinking ability test questions, and learning interest questionnaires. The results of this research indicate that students with high (S16T), medium (S12S), and low (S04R) learning interest are able to fulfill the 5 indicators of mathematical creative thinking ability namely, fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration, and evaluation. The difference lies in the indicators of fluency, originality, and elaboration. In fluency indicator, students with high learning interest (S16T) are able to more fluently and quickly make several alternative answers with a faster completion process. In the originality indicator, students with high (S16T) and medium learning interest (S12S) use coefficient tables in finding solutions while students with low learning interest (S04R) use a comparative approach in solving a problem. In elaboration indicator, students with high (S16T) and medium learning interest (S12S) are able to write detailed, complete, and systematic solutions to a problem. Whereas student with low learning interest (S04R) are relatively in a hurry in solving a problem so that, there are incomplete and detailed completion steps.

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