Study Ethnomathematics: Eksplorasi Sistem Penanggalan pada Kalender Bilangan Peteuy di Kampung Adat Kuta, Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat

Fendi Rizal, Ipah Muzdalipah, Siska Ryane Muslim


This research is an attempt to prove the relationship between culture and mathematics, and to change people's views that mathematics is not related to culture. The purpose of this research is to understand the philosophy of the peteuy number calendar, reveal the peteuy number calendar dating system, and analyze the mathematical concepts contained in the peteuy number calendar, focusing on the calculation of its preparation. This research used a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. Data collection techniques involved observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that in the Peteuy Numbers Calendar there are a number of names and terms that are rich in philosophy and meaning. The calendar system of Bilangan Peteuy belongs to the type of lunar calendar system, and there is a clear connection between mathematics and culture. The mathematical concepts contained in the Peteuy number calendar system include the modulo rule on indung poe, god of the year, and jejem. In addition, there is the concept of multiplication used in determining the day and its market, as well as the concept of addition and subtraction found in naptu, jejem, and determining a date.

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