Analisis Kemahiran Prosedural Matematika pada Peserta Didik Berdasarkan Gaya Berpikir Gregorc

Muhamad Narju Sungada, Vepi Apiati, Satya Santika


This study aims to evaluate the students' procedural math mastery by considering the Gregorc thinking style. The study is qualitative and exploratory in nature. Data collection was done through procedural math mastery tests, Gregorc thinking style questionnaires, and unstructured interviews. The research subjects were taken from the 11th grade class at SMK Negeri 1 Wanareja, consisting of 35 students. The subject selection was based on the results of the procedural math mastery test analysis, which met the five indicators in each category of the Gregorc thinking style. Data analysis involved data reduction, data presentation, and verification/conclusion drawing. The S-SK showed the ability to answer questions correctly, consistently using the same variables, working systematically, and producing concrete solutions from abstract ideas. The S-SA was able to achieve a correct solution, although it required a sufficient amount of time, and could solve problems logically. The S-AK was unable to achieve a correct solution and made mistakes in fraction multiplication operations. The S-AA was also unable to achieve a correct solution and made mistakes in division operations. When asked again, the S-AA felt they had answered correctly, showing characteristics of abstract random thinking style that emphasizes feelings and emotions more.

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