The purpose of this study is to describe the reflective thinking skills of students in terms of Self Regulated Learning. The data collection techniques used were reflective thinking skills tests, Self Regulated Learning questionnaires, and unstructured interviews. The main instrument in this study is the researcher himself with other instruments in the form of reflective thinking skills test questions and Self Regulated Learning questionnaires. The data sources of this study are S-26 subjects who have high Self Regulated Learning, S-16 subjects who have medium Self Regulated Learning and S-4 subjects who have low Self Regulated Learning. Data analysis techniques used include data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the reflective thinking skills of S-26, S-16 and S-4 subjects were able to write down what was known and asked, able to explain the known relationship with the asked and explain the methods used and able to relate and associate problems that had been faced with the problems asked. S-26 is able to determine the purpose of the problem and is able to detect the truth in determining the answer so as to get the right answer results. S-16 is able to determine the purpose of the problem, able to detect the truth in determining the answer but has not been able to detect errors in the number of books on the first shelf so that the answer results are not correct. While S-4 is able to determine the purpose of the problem but has not been able to detect errors and correctness in determining the answer so that the answer results are not right.
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