Algebraic Thinking Peserta Didik Dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika

Annisa Annisa, Edi Hidayat, Elis Nurhayati


This study aims to determine students' algebraic thinking in solving mathematical problems based on Kriegler indicators and the location of students' errors in solving algebraic thinking problems. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The research subjects were students of class VIII at SMPN 1 Cisayong. Data collection techniques in this study used algebraic thinking tests and interviews. Subject selection was done based on snowball and purposive. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the students' algebraic thinking in solving mathematical problems was only able to fulfill several indicators of algebraic thinking. In the indicator of carrying out a calculation strategy based on the concept, students carry out a series of activities to solve problems based on the concepts they already have. In the indicators of making estimates, students make arithmetic estimates. In indicators revealing generalizations of patterns and rules in the context of the real world, students can express their way of thinking to generalize patterns in the context of the real world by determining the nth term (Un). In indicators of manipulating numbers and symbols using algebraic rules, students can operate algebra, know the meaning of '=', and manipulate symbols so that the value of a variable is obtained. In the generalization indicators of patterns and rules in the real world context, students take an arithmetic contextual approach so that they can help understand patterns in problems, and use arithmetic sequence formulas. While the indicators represent mathematical ideas using equations, students are able to convert problems into mathematical language and form an equation. Student’s error in solving algebraic thinking problems include conceptual errors, errors in using data and technical errors.

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