Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Matematika Menggunakan Edpuzzle Pada Materi Bilangan Berpangkat

Ajeng Portuna, Siska Ryane Muslim, Ike Natalliasari


This research aims to develop interactive learning media for mathematics using EdPuzzle on the material of rank numbers and determine the feasibility of learning media. The method used is the Research & Development (R&D) method with the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation & Evaluation (ADDIE) model. Data collection techniques were conducted through interviews and questionnaires. The research instrument used a preliminary study interview grid sheet and a learning media quality assessment questionnaire. The data of this study came from three media experts, two material experts, teacher observers, and 9th grade students of 9 Tasikmalaya junior high school. This research produced a learning video in the form of EdPuzzle with the help of linktree. The media feasibility was assessed based on technical quality, content and purpose, and instructional quality. In the technical assessment, the media expert stated that the learning media was in the very feasible category, while in the assessment of the quality of content and objectives, the material expert stated that the learning media was in the very feasible category, based on the
instructional quality assessment questionnaire on the trial to students, the learning media was declared to be in the very feasible category, and based on the assessment of students' responses it was declared to be in the feasible category so that learning media could be used to assist the learning process.

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